About flouka.

It has become high time for me to launch a new brand. After the success of my store Magasin du Sud, I have been working for various fashion brands and interior wholesalers in recent years. The blood goes where it can't resist, sonow it is time for me to spread my wings again. My great love is traveling, and this brings me a wealth of treasures. I would like to share these!

I am inspired by what is beautiful and comes from afar. My great preference lies in craftsmanship and handmade items. Materials that have been kissed by the sun and have left their traces.

It is an unstoppable urge to score beautiful things and collect them. By combining my strengths and creativity, I gather the most enjoyable items for you from all over the world.

From this winter, we have found an amazing windmill barn in Wormer, which will be set up during the spring. Here is our showroom & studio, where our workshop is for the own brand called flouka.

Enjoy, Petra de Ritter.