
Postal address: Milletstraat 15, 1077 ZA, Amsterdam

Showroom & Atelier: Veerdijk 22, 1531 MS, Wormer

Email: info@flouka.amsterdam

Phone: Petra de Ritter +316 11268256

Visits by appointment only.

Frequently asked questions

1) What if an item is out of stock:

a. Some items are of a unique nature that it is difficult to determine the delivery time.

b. Please contact us at info@flouka.amsterdam so that we can inform you about the delivery time.

2) If the item is in stock, when can I expect my order:

a. We aim to ship the order within 1-2 working days. You will always receive an email with a track & trace code.

3) I am not satisfied with the item received:

a. How unfortunate that you are not satisfied. It is best to contact us so that we can find a solution together.

4) My order is not complete:

a. We strive to deliver the delivery complete. If something is missing, please contact us.

5) How do I ensure that my items discolour as little as possible and last a long time:

a. Unfortunately, (often hand-dyed) textiles can discolour over time, try to keep the items out of the sun as much as possible.

6) Can the products be washed in the washing machine?

a. Most products are handmade and often hand-colored. For a long lifespan, it is better not to put the products in the washing machine but to wash them by hand.

7) Can the products be washed in the dishwasher?

a. Most products are handmade; for a long lifespan it is better not to put the products in the dishwasher. Wooden products in particular cannot withstand high temperatures.

8) Can I visit you?

a. Yes, that is possible, but only by appointment. Give us a call.

Is your question not included? Please fill out the contact form below!

Contact Form